
The Tezos ledger uses a low-level statically-typed language for Smart Contracts, called Michelson. Although Michelson can be used directly, the lack of variables and the use of stack-based instructions make it hard to write, and harder to read. Early in the life of Tezos, the need rised for a higher-level language. The Liquidity prototype was born in June 2017 at OCamlPro, and officially released in February 2018 on the Alphanet network of Tezos.

Liquidity is now available for both Dune Network and Tezos.

Liquidity follows Michelson type-system, but implemented on a subset of the OCaml syntax. It comes with a compiler to Michelson, and a decompiler that can translate Michelson contracts to Liquidity, for auditing purpose.

The official websites for Liquidity are:

The Liquidity project contains:

  • A compiler from Liquidity files (.liq extension) to Michelson
  • A decompiler from Michelson files (.tz extension) to Liquidity
  • A client for Dune Network

See Examples in the Github project.